Affordable Websites &
Social Media Solutions
Social Media
Social media has become the number one way for businesses to reach their customers. It is also one of the most time consuming and tedious tasks that owners take on. GreenKat has solutions to ease the burden and help you get back to doing what you do best...running your business.
Because social media for business is such a huge undertaking, its always best to start out with all the information. GreenKat can help you determine what platforms are best for your company, and how to manage them. This includes content type, word limits, sizing, and optimum scheduling. We will be happy to schedule a meeting with you so you can get started right away.

You're busy. Chances are, spending an hour or more every day struggling to dream up and create content puts a strain on your schedule. GreenKat has tools to get you organized and to help generated ideas. This still requires work on your part, but will minimize the time and energy you spend doing it.

Monthly Subscription
GreenKat offers a monthly subscription that takes the social media hassle off of your shoulders. We create content unique to your business, and share it when and where you need it. This service includes meeting with you as needed, gathering the information you want shared (specials, sales, topics of interest, pictures etc.). Depending on the subscription you choose, we take care of a predetermined number of posts to Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), or LinkedIn for the entire month (many of our clients choose 3-5 posts a week). Most of these posts are done in a unique video format, which is proven to capture and hold attention more than static content. Most importantly...it's very affordable. Interested? Fill out the form below or contact us directly for pricing and more information.